Friday, July 5, 2013


It's been almost one month since Russell left us.  So how do you move on from something like what we experienced?  At this time, I'm not yet sure.  Things I do know are:
1.  I have an amazing husband to whom I'm holding tight and enjoying our time together.
2.  I have loving and supportive parents (both by blood and marriage), family, and friends.
3.  I am grateful for my church family, and feel blessed by the moms group and their support.
4.  I will NEVER forget Russell.  There is a part of my heart that will always belong to him.

I have been spending a lot of time watching bad t.v. and it's been hard waking up in the morning.  I have been trying to get back into my routine of going on morning runs, playing the violin, composing, and housework.  I have found solace in working on my seedlings that are not yet ready to be planted outside.  This afternoon I'm going to do some spring cleanup and weeding of our back yard.  I bought blackberry and raspberry bushes that I'm going to plant and I have some bulbs that need to be moved.  I am back into my teaching routine and enjoy my time working with my voice and piano students.  I have been doing some writing, trying to write this experience before I forget some of the details.  I will ALWAYS love and miss Russell, but I want to write some of the details and emotions while they're still fresh.  I am hoping to get back into some more composing as well.  I am now at the point where I feel well enough to get back into doing things that I'm feeling overwhelmed by all that I need and want to do.

As I write, Mother's Day is tomorrow.  I have no idea how I'm going to emotionally handle that.  It's going to be a  drastically different day than I imagined after Russell was born.  I have decided against going to church that morning.  Mike and I are planning on doing some yard work and then something else.  We don't yet know what that will be.  It's supposed to be a gorgeous day, so I'd like to do something outside.

Mike and I have decided to make our adoption profile through Independent Adoption Center active again.  It took two years to get the match that brought us Russell.  We've been at the point where we've been grieving and not ready for a baby right this second.  Yet, we (especially I), feel the ticking clock.  I just turned 39 last week and have been ready for motherhood for many, many years.  I desperately want to be sure to live life with my husband to the fullest, but there is a hole in my life that can only be filled with a child.  The longer we keep our adoption profile on hold, the less we're seen, and the longer we go without the possibility of being matched.  Mike and I have agreed that we are going to be especially careful of the circumstances before we match with birthparents.  Being back on the books, if we receive a communication before we're ready, we can always say, "no."  I spoke with our counselor yesterday and she said that she was going to reactivate our account.   

Here is the link to the Independent Adoption Center's website:

Here is the link to our profile:
It may not yet be up and running again, but please take note of it.

Please help spread the word.  Thank you!

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