Friday, July 5, 2013

FEMALE GUILT: July 25, 20111

The case worker came today to do the home inspection of our new place. We should be back up and running in about a week or so. Then who knows when we'll be chosen and by whom. Somewhere out there is a woman with whom we are perfectly matched to raise her baby. I'm definitely ready for her to find us!

So the past few weeks I've been suffering from the guilty feeling of wanting to be a mom. I had put "just a mom," but those are the incorrect choice of words. As women in this time, society expects us to be superheroes, doing everything. I've been worried I'll be thought of as dependent, weak, and unintelligent by wanting to be a stay-at-home mom. Being a mother is work too! Then I have to remind myself that there have been many independent, strong, and intelligent women who stayed at home with their babies. My mother is a perfect example of that!

I told Mike I was worried I was not bringing in more money. He and I agreed that we want to have me home raising our child. Yes, that means that less income will be coming in, but so be it. He reminded me that no one can expect me to be a graduate student, homemaker, wage earner, and mother. The only person who expects me to juggle so many things, is me. The only person who expects to be perfect at each thing she does, is me. For some mothers, they need to work outside of the home. Each parent, child, and family need different things. I am in NO way criticizing mothers who work outside of the home.

For me, I can't imagine working full time while trying to take care of the house and children too. People keep telling me I need to let things around the house go, but doing that is not at all easy for me. I'm a very ordered person and one of my faults is working so hard around the house and not letting myself relax enough. I remember how overwhelmed I always felt while working full time and trying to take care and the things around the house I took care of. After six years of marriage, Mike and I have made shifts of course in our responsibilities and division of household chores, but I never want to be in that position again! I can't imagine also throwing a child into the mix. If anyone can do it all, I'd love for you to tell me how!

Now, I just woke up from a nap (which I RARELY take) and am feeling guilty about all the other things I could have been doing while sleeping. I expect myself to be able to each day: exercise, keep my house in perfect order, cook, practice music, compose, read, do homework, get out of the house for some activity, do a crafty activity, and more. No one can physically do everything every day. Why do I expect myself to?

I guess the desire in me to be a mom is so great that I'm just so anxious to move onto that phase of life and have motherhood be my priority. That desire made the last couple of years teaching in the classroom so difficult. I loved the children I taught and believed in what I was doing. It's just that I wanted to be a mom so badly teaching was no longer where my heart and passion were.

Full time moms sometimes receive criticism that their life revolves around this baby and they lose themselves. I don't want to lose myself, and I need some time to have the other things I love in my life, but I'll be a better mom for that. I'm still planning on singing in choir and doing music. Those things are my emotional grounding and sanity, that's for sure! I can't imagine my life without music. Mike and I are going to work of schedules so he'll be home for me to sing and he can get out of the house outside of work to bowl. Those things are just too important to each of us not to do.I'm just ready for my time to revolve around a baby and for that to be what I do with my time.

I have to remind myself that it doesn't matter to anyone but me, Mike and that baby whether or not I'm a mom who works outside of the home or a stay-at-home mom. I shouldn't worry that people think less of me because I want to stay at home with my baby when he or she comes. The whole point is that now mothers have a choice. I choose that this is what I want in my life and I'm so extremely anxious for it to fall into place!

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